Mu.Ta.Lig - COST ACTION CA15135

Prof. Vasilica TOMA

5 December 2016


General information

Surname: TOMA
Cell phone number with international prefix: +40232301620
Country: ROMANIA
Gender: F
Year of the PhD title: 2005
Personal web page: http:// –
Previous COST participation: No


List of 10 selected publications within last 5 years

1. Jane Manakil (editor), “Periodontal disease – A Clinician’s Guide”, 2012. Foia Liliana, Toma Vasilica – authors of the chapter „DIABETES MELLITUS IMPACT ON PERIODONTAL STATUS”. ISBN 978-953-307-818-2, InTech Ed, Chp 8: 179-196.
2. Toma Vasilica (coauthor), Foia Liliana (editor), “Clinical correlations in interpretations of the biochemical lab tests”, 2010. ISBN 978-973-37-1483-5. Ed. Junimea, Iasi.
3. Mihalas E, Maxim A, Balan A, Matricala L, Maxim DC, Toma Vasilica, Petcu A, Chemical content variations and morphological changes evaluation on incisors enamel induced by chronic fluoride intoxication, Revista de Chimie, June 2015, 66 (6):843-846.
4. Balan A, Sandu AV, Stoleriu S, Pintiliciuc VS, Toma Vasilica. Effect of different finishing and polishing systems on the surface roughness of composite resins. Materiale Plastice, march 2015, 52 (1):55-57.
5. Toma Vasilica, Surlin P, Cioloca D, Trandafir L, Cozma S, Bogdan M, Botnariu EG, Balan A, Assessment of clinical periodontal modifications in juvenile diabetes, Romanian Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, april-june 2015, 7(2): 97-101.
6. Brzezinski P, Chiriac A, Toma Vasilica, Foia L., Potential underestimated risk of infestation with strongyloides stercoralis within medical personnel. Romanian Review of Laboratory Medicine, 2014, Suppl. 22(1/4). S65-66.
7. Toma Vasilica, Liliana Foia, Forna D, Toma CM, Cioloca D, Balan G, Balan A. Down Syndrome between genetic hazard and divine decision, European Journal of Science and Theology, June 2014, 10(3): 49-59.
8. Foia L, Chiriac AE, Toma Vasilica, Filip F, Chiriac A, Solovan C. Tuberculosis, an independent risk factor for psoriasis, or a binomial relationship? retrospective case control studies. P075. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Suppl (IF: 2.98).  July 2013; DOI:10.1111/jdv.12186.
9. Gavrila LM, Pasareanu M, Toma Vasilica, Mihalas E, Maxim DC, Mixed dentition caries- predictor of carious activity in permanent dentition, Romanian Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, Jan-Mar 2013, 5(1):45-49.
10. Nănescu S, Mârțu, S., Ciomaga G, Toma Vasilica, Forna D, Foia L. Dual effects of flavonoids on dyslipidemia and periodontal disease. Romanian Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, December 2011, 3(4):38-45.


Main skills and expertise (up to 5)

1. Clinical examination of the odonto-periodontal status in patients
2.Diagnosis of dental disorders
3. Immune-enzymatic determinations (ELISA, FCM – flow cytometry) in oral fluids (gingival crevicular fluid) of inflammatory mediators
4. Clinical case studies


Main equipment/facilities available in the participants’ lab (up to 5)

1.Periotron 8000
2.Dental units for clinical investigation and therapy
3.ELISA analyzer


Short personal activity proposal for the COST Action CA15135 (max 1000 characters)


Our Romanian research team, working in disciplines around the medicinal chemistry and health care, express a large interest for this topic and based on the experience accumulated in previous collaborations and even COST Actions, we propose to contribute in the scientific progress of the Action’s aim devoted to the multi-target issue in drug discovery through two main directions:

§ Analysis of the inflammatory and osteolytic mediators (cytokines, prostaglandins) that cause periodontal breakdown with alterations of marginal periodontium and even tooth loss in the context of systemic diseases.

§ Characterization of the antioxidant properties of newly synthesized compounds with improved physicochemical and pharmacokinetic properties, especially agonists that would target metabolic disorders (such as diabetes) and periodontal area injuries.



Work Group preference: score from 1 (preferred) to 4 (not preferred)

Work Group of the CA15135 COST Action Score
WG1: Development of new chemical entities 3
WG2: Selection of biological targets and assessment of biological data 1
WG3: Development of chemical databases 2
WG4: Development of Computational methods for multiple ligand design and discovery 4