Mu.Ta.Lig - COST ACTION CA15135

Second special issue: “Multi-Target Drug Discovery: an opportunity for novel and repurposed bioactive compounds”

1 August 2018

1 August 2018

A new special issue, following the previous one on Frontiers in Chemistry, has launched by Hervé Galons, Editor in Chief of European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. It will be soon published on the Elsevier web site and will be managed as guest editors by Stefano Alcaro and Francesco Ortuso (Università Magna Græcia di Catanzaro, Italy). The deadline of the submission is June 30th 2019. Accepted manuscripts co-authored by three different parties within the MuTaLig COST Action can benefit of the open access dissemination budget reserved for this purpose in the third grant period. The flyer can be downloaded from this link.